Provides contextual feedback messages for typical user action. It is typically a short, important message which is to be conveyed to the user in such a way that doesn't interrupt user work flow
A simple alert box just contain the text. An alert can have different themes to present itself like a success, warning or error themed alert.
This is what a simple success alert looks like!
This is what a simple error alert looks like!
This is what a simple warning alert looks like!
This is what a simple primary alert looks like!
This is what a simple secondary alert looks like!
You can also make the alert more descriptive by using icons too! Just place the icon inside the alert class.
This is what a simple success alert with icon looks like!
This is what a simple error alert with icon looks like!
This is what a simple warning alert with icon looks like!
This is what a simple primary alert with icon looks like!
This is what a simple secondary alert with icon looks like!
An outlined alert box can be created just by appending outlined to regualar alert class
This is what an outlined success alert looks like!
This is what an outlined error alert looks like!
This is what an outlined warning alert looks like!
This is what an outlined primary alert looks like!
This is what an outlined secondary alert looks like!
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